Banana, Walnut & Oat Bake Bars

These quick and easy bars are high in fibre, b vitamins and give a slow GI energy release. Great for on the go , before a workout or snack time.


You will need:

400g of organic oats

date syrup 100g

coconut oil 200g

natural vanilla extract


4 ripe organic bananas 

crushed walnut peices

handful of roasted sunflower seeds

100g fructose/stevia or other  natural sweetner



Slowly melt coconut oil in a pan, add in date syrup, dont let it boil.


Take off the heat and add in the mashed banana

mix in nuts, cinnamon,sweetner and half a pod of raw vanilla.


Press into a baking tray and bake for 25 mins on 200′


Cool, square and serve!


You can add a carob topping or raw chocolate topping to make them more decadent 🙂




Add in oats string to ensure good coverage





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